The inside scoop on D.C. weather.
Install the Flash Briefing from the Amazon skill store or say, "Alexa, enable Capital Weather Gang." Then say, "Alexa, what's my Flash Briefing?" or "Alexa, what's the news?"
In the Google Home app, select Menu > More Settings > News > Add news sources. Find and enable "Capital Weather Gang" in the Local section. Then ask, "Okay Google, what's in the news?"
Add the Capital Weather Gang to your briefings on your Amazon Echo or Google Home, or subscribe on your favorite podcast app, and get your D.C. area weather update in under a minute on weekday mornings.
Give feedback to the Gang on Twitter at @capitalweather. Capital Weather Gang updates can also be heard on WAMU.
The inside scoop on D.C. weather.
The inside scoop on D.C. weather.