Carolyn Hax is away. The following first appeared Oct. 8, 2010, and has been lightly edited.
Instead of his actually owning up to it, I’m expecting him to say, “Well, can you blame me?” He has pushed hard to go to counseling. I have agreed and told him to set up the appointment, but he has not.
Sadly, I’m not really bothered by it. But if it begins to affect our children, there will be hell to pay. I have several copies of emails over the past six months, including one where he calls my family pathetic. I’m not sure what he based that on, except they are mostly intellectuals and he feels inferior. That bothers me more than the affair itself.
I’m sure he thinks I am unaware. The immature part of me just wants to say “gotcha.” Should I wait for counseling to bring this up so there is a witness there?
— Aware But Don’t Care
Aware But Don’t Care: Surely you don’t mean to suggest that your raging contempt for your husband hasn’t affected your children?